No Continue Achievement in Kh Com
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix offers an array of trophies to collect through in-game achievements on the PlayStation and Xbox systems. No in-game rewards are offered for obtaining these trophies, however.

To obtain this trophy, you cannot change keychains, staves, shields, or accessories on any character. If you want to get this trophy easily, it's best to attempt this during a playthrough on Beginner mode.

To obtain this trophy, you cannot select "Continue" after being defeated. If you get a game over, simply load your save file instead (and remember to save often!).

To obtain this trophy, you must clear the game within 15 in-game hours. It's recommended to attempt this trophy during a playthrough on Beginner Mode. You are only required to defeat the final boss within 15 hours; the only worlds that require sealing the Keyhole are Traverse Town, Wonderland, Deep Jungle, Neverland, and Hollow Bastion.

This trophy only requires completion of one Olympus Coliseum tournament cup with Sora alone; these challenges become available after winning a cup with standard rules.

This trophy only requires completion of one Olympus Coliseum tournament cup time trial; these challenges become available after winning a cup with standard rules.

Check out our Level 100 Guide!

You should be able to obtain this trophy as you open treasure chests you encounter through normal gameplay. Visit our Treasure Chests page for a complete list.

You should be able to obtain this trophy as you gather Munny from enemies through normal gameplay. Need Munny fast? Check out our Munny Gathering Guide!

You should be able to obtain this trophy as you defeat enemies through normal gameplay. However, if you find yourself needing more Heartless, you can fight in the Hades Cup or try gathering materials for Item Synthesis.

This trophy is awarded after all of the following trophies have been obtained: Storyteller, Searcher, Professor, Top Dog, Best Friend, Mini-Game Maniac

This trophy is awarded when the Chronicles section of Jiminy's Journal is completed; this requires the keyholes be sealed in all worlds.

Check out our Ansem Reports Guide!

This trophy requires you to visit all worlds, complete all main characters, bosses (both required and optional), and encounter / defeat all Heartless.

This trophy is awarded after all 99 puppies are returned to Pongo and Perdita in Traverse Town.

Check out our Side Quests page for a list of all required mini-games for this trophy.

PS4: Obtain 30 or more gummi ship blueprints
Gummi ship blueprints are dropped by enemy ships when destroyed. Some blueprints can also be received from Geppeto's Workshop in Traverse Town.

This trophy is easily acquired through normal gameplay as you travel between worlds in the Gummi Ship.

Simply enter the gummi ship menu, create or edit a gummi blueprint, and save your design.

This trophy is awarded after completing each gummi ship route at least once, and is often awarded after traveling from Hollow Bastion to End of the World (if all other routes have been cleared).

Complete a single Gummi Ship Mission 1 for any gummi ship route.

Complete a single Gummi Ship Mission 2 for any gummi ship route.

Complete a single Gummi Ship Mission 3 for any gummi ship route.

This keychain is acquired during story events on Sora's fourth visit to Traverse Town.

1 Difficulty trophies do NOT stack on the PlayStation 3 version of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Re:MIX; you will need to play through the story on all three difficulty modes. The PlayStation 4 version of this title allows trophy stacking (i.e. completing on Proud mode will award you all difficulty trophies).
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