The Good and the Beautiful Panguage Arts Not Printed

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When nosotros ended My Father's World Adventures in December, I was faced with a option. Become ahead and offset My Father'southward World ECC, or take a semester off from our regularly scheduled curriculum and put together my own studies for the kids. I was growing concerned with my oldest son'south reading level and his lack of interest in reading and writing. I knew I needed to change something, and that's when I found The Good and the Beautiful homeschool curriculum. For the past 3 months nosotros accept been using The Good and the Cute with wonderful results. This semester has been a slower, involvement-led, basics based curriculum for us, and I think it'southward been a expert motility. In this post I desire to share with you our experience so far, and show y'all how to get started with The Adept and the Cute Language Arts Curriculum.

How To Assemble the Skillful and the Beautiful Language Arts Curriculum

There are 2 ways to obtain this curriculum. You lot can purchase a physical set, or y'all can get it all for free and print your ain copies. The Good and the Cute offers levels 1-5 are available as PDF downloads. I am using Level ii, and chose to use the free PDF.

There are three components to this curriculum that you will demand to print: the course book, the course companion, and the phonics cards. The same gear up of phonics cards is used in levels K-2, so if yous had purchased the Level K programme, or already used the Level i plan, you will not need to reprint the phonics cards.

If you lot exercise need to print the phonics cards, print them on menu stock, and then they will hold upwards better.

The class volume is over 300 pages in this level, and then if you do not have a high quality printer, you will probably desire to take it to an office supply shop to have it printed. It is important that you lot impress the course book in color because at that place is beautiful artwork that the child needs to see in color.

Since I am a homeschool mom who likes to print a lot of our curriculum, I use an HP Laserjet Pro for my printing and information technology does really well.

Other items needed to assemble the curriculum yourself include:

  • a large iii ring binder
  • holepunch
  • divider tab

I wanted to keep the grade volume and the class companion in i binder, so I used my divider tab to hands flip to the class companion when nosotros offset language arts each day.

A laminator is squeamish to take considering you can laminate the daily checklist and keep it in the front pocket of the folder. The daily checklist ensures your student knows exactly what work needs to be done each solar day.

The Good and the Cute recommends iii ziplock numberless for the phonics cards. You lot'll put cards the educatee has already mastered in 1 bag, learning in some other, and all of the remainder in the concluding bag.

How To Use the Skilful and the Beautiful Language Arts

I absolutely love this curriculum. It combines phonics and reading, grammar, usage, and punctuation, literature, spelling, and writing, art, and geography.

At that place is a placement test that allows you to choose the best level for your child. I decided to start my 3rd grader in Level two because I could see he had some gaps in his reading and writing.

Before starting this grade, Problems hated reading lessons. I mean, there would sometimes be tears. Since we started this course, he really enjoys it, and I take seen his progress. What I similar about this open up and become curriculum is that at that place are assessments that actually allow me to track what he knows, then I'm no longer but guessing and hoping for the all-time. The course companion includes these scheduled assessments.

I am a sucker for poetry, and the Proficient and the Beautiful recommends having children memorize and recite poems. We have chosen a few beautiful selections from the course companion and we practice them during our Morning Time as a family unit.

Bug is motivated to primary his word ladders and spelling words considering each time that he does, he gets to color something. This is a concrete sign of his achievement, and I have found that is important to him.

This sail was non included in the curriculum, simply the children are to acquire the continents in this curriculum. It's pretty cool that geography is included! I decided to take that concept to our Morn Fourth dimension as well, and do a map drill with the kids so the continents really stick with them. I will do this with the other areas of geography that we acquire throughout this form.

Here's a look at the map fundamental higher up for two of the areas of geography that we will written report.

I have honestly never been so pleased with a language arts curriculum. I actually Await Forwards to doing this with Problems because information technology is truly good and beautiful, and he likes information technology! I also like that it is Gratis, and so it's easy to determine whether or not it will work for your family unit before you make a purchase, and it's less expensive than other curricula if yous exercise decide it will work for your child! Larn more near the Good and the Beautiful Linguistic communication Arts.

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