Review of the World of Catholic Renewal by R Po-chia Hsia

76BOOK REVIEWS The Globe of Cosmic Renewal, 1540-1700. By R. PoChia Hsia. (New York: Cambridge Academy Printing. 1998. Pp. xi, 240. $54.95 fabric; $16.95 paperback .) A new textbook on Catholic Reform and renewal is long overdue; the standard , The Counter Reformation by A. G. Dickens, was published in 1968 and has never been revised. Hsia'southward Globe of Catholic Renewal seeks to fill the gap left by 3 decades of research. While not flawless in its achievements, this volume is well done and very welcome. Hsia focuses on traditional aspects every bit well as newer interpretations: the Council ofTrent, religious orders, Espana, Philip Two, reforming bishops, and saints and martyrs. The bibliographical essay is of peachy value, critically noting both old standards and new publications. Hsia gives pride of identify to the Jesuits in both renewal and revival, but gives due coverage to other new and reformed orders , particularly Capuchins. This book is all-time when information technology focuses on more contempo historiographical concerns. Hsia has benefited from the work of Louis Chatellier on missions in Europe,Jodi Bilinkoff on Teresa ofAvila, and Peter Burke on early modern sainthood. The long sections on Poland and Ireland go far to redress the neglect of those areas in more than general studies. The chapter on art and compages smoothly fits into the whole; a supplementary chapter on music would have been appreciated. He gives equal fourth dimension to missions in the East and Westward, deftly dealing with the enormous spectrum of issues in Spain, Portugal, and the empires. In the context of general praise, I have a few specific criticisms. I took exception to the statement, "For many bishops, Jesuit colleges served as substitutes for the diocesan seminaries" (p. 33). This was not true in Italy, and Hsia does non give geographical information to understand the claim better. TheJesuits did non succeed in keeping themselves separate from diocesan seminaries (as the General Congregations advised), but I know of no bishop who ordered secular clergy to attendJesuit colleges—or even diocesan seminaries—for pastoral training. In some areas, seminarians took classes at colleges of religious orders (not just Jesuits), but all the same attended diocesan institutions for other studies, including music. On some other subject, Hsia sometimes refers to Carlo Borromeo as the model bishop (p. 106) and sometimes assigns that office to another, e.g., Gabriele Paleotti (p. 103). His extended give-and-take on sainthood omits Vincent de Paul and his faithful correspondent, Louise de Marillac, who is absent-minded from the word on female person religious. I hoped for a more than detailed focus on printing and censorship; these topics are only briefly and narrowly addressed (e.g., press in the context of the Bollandistes) and neither appears in the book's alphabetize. Specialists in Catholic Reform may be nonplussed by the late beginning engagement. The fifteenth-century roots of the reform movement are widely accustomed; yet Hsia began in 1540. The explanation for this must lie in two ofthe volume's major claims: first, that the Social club ofJesus is cardinal to Catholic renewal, and second, that "renewal" refers both to Catholic Reform and Counter-Reform. Without Volume REVIEWS77 disputing either claim, I nevertheless regret the lateness of the terminus. Early attempts at reform are neglected—the work of Philip Neri and the (in)famous Consilium , for example—and despite Hsia's other work to the reverse (due east.thou., not reducing the early modern Catholic Church to the Inquisition), a sense of Counter-Reformation is in danger of dominating. On the other hand, I was pleased to note the extent of Catholic renewal into the eighteenth century. On rest, I would recommend this textbook, provided it were supplemented by a work which focuses on the early stages of reform. In this manner historians tin finally lay Dickens' work to rest. Kathleen One thousand. Comerford Benedictine College Atchison, Kansas Religion and Civilisation in Early Modernistic Russian federation and Ukraine. Edited by Samuel H. Baron and Nancy Shields Kollmann. (DeKaIb: Northern Illinois Academy Press. 1997. Pp. viii, 213. $35.00.) This drove of essays, drawn from a briefing held at Stanford University in 1993, purports to address the failure of modernistic historians to grasp the significance ofthe Russian Church building in modern times.With enviable...


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