Recorded Songs Uploaded to Dropbox Wont Open

RecUp Help

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Critical: Fix for "Error Loading Folder" Issue

Please update to the latest version of RecUp to solve this outcome.

RecUp 3.two and later now make use of Dropbox API v2, which is required to access Dropbox. Older versions of RecUp, which make utilize of the Dropbox API v1, are no longer able to admission Dropbox equally of Feb 2018.

RecUp Requirements

RecUp requires iOS seven and a Dropbox[1] account.
Sign up for 2GB of Free Dropbox storage at http://world wide

Connecting to Dropbox

Linking RecUp with Dropbox
Linking RecUp with Dropbox

RecUp has ii means of connecting to Dropbox:

  • "Binder Access"; or
  • "Full Admission (default)."

"Folder Admission" gives RecUp read/write access only to files inside a special binder in /Apps/RecUp Memos. This option is more than secure, but Dropbox does not allow yous to invite people to share this folder. Even so, file and folder shared links do work[two].

"Full Admission" gives RecUp total read/write access to whatever file/binder inside your Dropbox. This option can raise some privacy concerns with users, but we promise RecUp will only make apply of the folder /RecUp (by default). "Full Dropbox" is the only pick that allows you to invite others to share your recordings folder[ii].

Which connect method should you lot choose? The default of "Full Access" access is right for most people. If yous have security concerns, y'all tin can choose "Folder Access" instead.

To connect to Dropbox using "Total Admission" permissions, tap the blueish push[3].

To connect to Dropbox using "Binder Dropbox" permissions, press and hold the blue button. A menu appears with the options "Folder Access (more secure)" and "Total Access (default)."

You can always change your connection type later in the RecUp Settings.

Note: You can also choose your upload folder.

Using RecUp


RecUp recording in action
RecUp recording in action

Tap the red push button to beginning recording. Double-tap to suspension or single-tap to stop and have the recording automatically upload to Dropbox.[iv]


RecUp supports recording with the internal microphone, external microphones, wired headsets and bluetooth headsets. See more below.

RecUp requires permission to admission the microphone for recording. The first fourth dimension you try to record, RecUp will inquire for permission. You should only need to grant permission once. If you ever need to access the microphone permissions:

  • Open the Settings app.
  • Select "Privacy."
  • Select "Microphone."


RecUp uploading in action
RecUp uploading in action

RecUp automatically uploads recordings to Dropbox when internet access is available.

If an net connectedness is not available, yous will meet "WAITING TO UPLOAD" in the upload status bar at the bottom. Don't worry, recordings are kept on the device until they can be uploaded to Dropbox, and just removed from the device once they have been uploaded successfully.

Background Uploading

After recording, you tin can leave RecUp and files volition be uploaded to Dropbox in the background[5]. RecUp app icon with badge An indicator badge on the RecUp app icon shows how many recordings are uploading or waiting to be uploaded.

Annotation: For large sound files, you lot may need to go along RecUp running in the foreground[vi] to permit the upload to complete. Otherwise, when RecUp runs in the background[5], it only has about 3 minutes to complete the upload.

You lot can also recollect recordings manually using "iTunes Access".

RecUp Settings

RecUp settings
RecUp settings

Play indicator sounds

On by default.

When this setting is on, RecUp plays a sound when a recording starts, a different sound when the recording stops or pauses, and a third audio when uploads are complete.

Tape in higher quality

Off by default.

When this setting is off, recordings are produced in 22khz mono, 40kbps MP3 format. This is a good setting for vocalization capture, with improve-than-phone-quality sound[7].

When this setting is on, recordings are produced in 44khz mono, 80kbps MP3 format or 44khz stereo, 160kbps MP3 format if a stereo microphone is present. This is a good setting for high-fidelity sound, such as music.

Record in the background

Off by default.

When this setting is off, pressing the power push button to slumber the screen or leaving RecUp (past pressing the Home button or using the App Switcher) stops recording.

When this setting is on, recording continues when you go out RecUp or printing the power button.

You can commonly encounter when RecUp is recording in the background if the status bar is ruby[8]. RecUp red status bar shows when recording in the background

Borer on the red status bar will render you lot to RecUp.

Background recording comes with a few caveats, which is why information technology's turned off by default. Come across "Best Practices" for considerations when this setting is enabled.

Record on launch

Off past default.

When this setting is on, RecUp automatically starts recording upon launch, without pressing the "Tape" button.

Cull Upload Folder

Tap this push button to bring up a Dropbox folder browser[ix].

You lot can create new folders past borer "New Folder" in the lower right. Once you scan into the folder you want RecUp to apply for new recordings, tap the "Upload Here" button in the lower left.

Browsing Dropbox to choose an upload folder
Browsing Dropbox to choose an upload folder

Unlink from Dropbox

Tap this push to disconnect RecUp from the current Dropbox account.

You may want to do this for a couple of reasons:

  • To connect RecUp to a different Dropbox account.
  • To modify the way y'all've connected RecUp to your Dropbox account.

If you have recordings waiting to be uploaded, they volition remain on your device and will exist uploaded once you've linked to Dropbox once more.

Other Features

Wifi-Only Uploading

If you do non want RecUp to use your cellular information, iOS provides a mode to disable cellular information use for individual apps[10]:

  • Open the Settings app.
  • Select "Cellular."
  • Notice RecUp in the list of apps under "Use Cellular Data For:"
  • Plow the indicator switch for RecUp to the "off" position.

URL Scheme

If yous're using an app like Launch Center Pro, you can add together integration with RecUp using our URL scheme[11].

  • To launch RecUp, use: recup://
  • To launch RecUp and start recording, utilise: recup://record

iTunes Access

You tin directly access RecUp recordings non however uploaded to Dropbox using iTunes on a PC or Mac[12]:

  • Connect your device.
  • Launch iTunes.
  • Select the device in the Sidebar.
  • Select the Apps tab.
  • Scroll down and choose RecUp from the Apps listing in the File Sharing department.
  • Select the recordings you wish to transfer to your calculator.
  • Click "Save to…" and choose a destination on your hard drive.


Irradiated Software, LLC shall not be held liable for data loss under whatever circumstances.

We accept made every attempt to ensure RecUp creates are safely delivers recordings to Dropbox (See "Why switch from M4A (MP4) in RecUp one to MP3 in RecUp two?" below).

However, RecUp is built on peak of a number of systems that are outside our control, and it is possible for recordings to get corrupted or lost. This is true of ALL recorders on iOS, and then nosotros can only recommend using RecUp for short, non-essential recordings. If you are a professional nosotros advise using a purpose-congenital recording device.

Nosotros don't want you to think RecUp is unreliable; it's just important for you to sympathize the potential of data loss and consider this when using RecUp (or any recorder on iOS[thirteen]).

All-time Practices

Making a good audio recorder for iOS is surprisingly difficult[13]. A lot of things tin go incorrect, and while we've washed our all-time to handle every instance in our power, at that place are still situations that fall within your control, so hither's what y'all need to know.


Only ane app has control over sound at a time. If RecUp is recording and another app takes command, that's called an "interruption." When the interruption is over, it'due south just possible for RecUp to resume recording if its in the foreground[6], which is why we caution against using the "Record in the background" setting.

Here is an incomplete listing actions/events that cause an interruption while RecUp is recording:

  • Receiving or making a call, FaceTime, etc.
  • Receiving an alarm from events or timers.
  • Invoking Siri.
  • Playing audio in another app such equally music, video, some games, etc.
  • Recording in some other app such as Voice Memos or Shazam.

Case interruption:

  • Start recording with RecUp.
  • Receive and answer a phone call. => RecUp is paused. No audio can be recorded during an interruption.
  • Phone call ends. => RecUp is shown and recording resumes.

Our Guidelines

If y'all use "Record in the groundwork" and receive an interruption while recording, always return to RecUp after the interruption ends to make sure recording resumes.

RecUp is best for short recordings, just if yous plan on longer recordings, as well consider Apple's Guidelines but beneath.

Apple's Guidelines

Apple provides these guidelines for "guaranteeing an uninterrupted recording":

  • In the Settings app, ensure that Airplane Manner is turned on, for devices that take an Airplane style.
  • In the Settings app, ensure that Practice Not Disturb is turned on.
  • In the Calendar app, ensure that there are no event alarms enabled during the planned recording period.
  • In the Clock app, ensure that no clock alarms are enabled during the planned recording menstruum.
  • For devices that have a Silent switch (called the Ring/Silent switch on iPhone), do not movement the switch during the recording. When you modify to Silent manner, an iPhone may vibrate, for case, depending on user settings.
  • Do not plug in or unplug a headset during recording. Too, exercise non dock or undock the device during recording.
  • Exercise not plug the device into a power source during the recording. When an iOS device gets plugged into power, information technology may beep or vibrate, according to the device and to user settings.

Often Asked Questions (FAQ)

What audio file format does RecUp use?

RecUp records in the highly robust and ubiquitous MP3 audio file format. See "Record in higher quality" above for specifics.

Where are my recordings in Dropbox?

By default, either in the /RecUp or /Apps/RecUp binder, depending on how you linked to Dropbox (encounter "Connecting to Dropbox" above).

Since y'all tin can too "Choose Upload Folder" in the RecUp settings, your recordings can potentially be stored anywhere in Dropbox.

Recordings are conveniently named after the current date and time ensuring they will show upwards in chronological order within your Dropbox folder.

Here's an case file proper noun for a recording fabricated on May 18th, 2014 at 9:37 AM (and 9 seconds): DV-2014-05-18-093709.mp3

How exercise I listen to my recordings?

Subsequently RecUp finishes uploading, you can admission your recordings three ways:

  • On the website.
  • On any Mac or PC where Dropbox is fix to sync.
  • On your iOS device using the Dropbox app.

On Mac or PC, recordings can be listened to using iTunes, QuickTime or VLC.

If yous're having trouble locating your recordings, see "Where are my recordings in Dropbox?" above.

Can I listen to recordings in RecUp?

No, RecUp but captures audio to Dropbox.

Meet "How do I mind to my recordings?" above.

Tin can RecUp upload recordings made with Apple tree's Phonation Memos app?

No, RecUp can only upload recordings it makes.

What is the maximum recording length?

RecUp is designed for short messages, but the merely limit on the length of recordings in the bachelor storage on your iOS device. During testing, I recorded for 99 hours without a problem. Also see "Best Practices" in a higher place.

You may desire to use iTunes to manually recall large recordings to avoid lengthy upload times. Run across "iTunes Access" above.

Volition y'all make RecUp for Android/Windows Mobile/My Toaster/etc.?

We are looking for a developer to port RecUp to other platforms.

In the meantime, a customer recommended NetMemo+ for Android.

Can RecUp record phone calls?

No, iOS does not allow whatsoever app to record audio while a phone phone call is in progress.

There are apps in the App Store that claim to record phone calls. What they actually do is provide a phone number that enables a 3-way call. A back-end service then records the iii-way phone call. The app itself cannot tape a telephone phone call.

Is RecUp secure?

All communications between RecUp and Dropbox are secured with SSL, the same technology used to secure the bulk of online transactions.

RecUp does not encrypt recordings, and then keep your device condom and prevent anyone from accessing your Dropbox account.

Irradiated Software never has admission to your Dropbox countersign or recordings; all recordings are sent directly to Dropbox.

Will you add feature XYZ?

I dear hearing from customers and I will certainly consider whatsoever requests. Hopefully, you've read "The Intention Behind RecUp" and will continue that in listen when asking.

Volition yous add together support for Google Drive/Box/OneDrive (formerly Skydrive)/etc.?

There are currently no plans to do then.

Does RecUp piece of work without the Net?

An internet connexion is required to initially link with Dropbox. Later that, you can tape online or offline. If an internet connexion is not available when you create a recording, RecUp stores the files and uploads them when an net connectedness is available.

See as well "Uploading" under Using RecUp and "iTunes Access" above.

Why tin I hear the indicator sounds when the mute switch is on?

Considering RecUp is an sound recorder/player, sounds that it plays are treated as audio (like music) instead of alerts (which obey the mute button).

If y'all don't like the indicator sounds, you tin can always disable them in the RecUp Settings.

Does RecUp support Bluetooth headsets or external microphones?

Aye, we accept tested:

  • Bluetooth headsets.
  • Microphones and headsets that plug into the headphone jack.
  • Stereo microphones that plug into the xxx-pin and Lightning connector.
  • USB microphones plugged into the Lightning connector using the USB Photographic camera Adapter.

RecUp volition record using the most recently connected sound input device. Otherwise, audio is recorded using the internal microphone. RecUp can handle a microphone/headset being plugged in or unplugged while recording, but doing that is not recommended.

I got an "Unable to Tape" mistake, what should I do?

Sometimes RecUp tin't start recording considering the microphone is being used past another app or it's locked up.

Please restart RecUp and try to record over again.

If that doesn't piece of work, endeavour toggling the microphone permissions:

  • Open the Settings app.
  • Select "Privacy."
  • Select "Microphone."
  • Turn the indicator switch for RecUp to the "off" position and then turn information technology back "on."
  • Open RecUp and try recording again.

If neither choice works, you'll demand to restart your device.

Why switch from M4A (MP4) in RecUp 1 to MP3 in RecUp ii?

I was distressed by the number of ways M4A files could be corrupted while recording and result in unplayable audio, which is totally unacceptable. Afterwards spending weeks trying to find and work around these corruption issues, I decided RecUp needed to switch to a more robust and corruption resistant sound file format. MP3 recordings are incredibly resilient to corruption.

The upside is that MP3 files are more than universal and RecUp is possibly the near robust recorder bachelor for iOS.

The downside is that MP3 files require a slightly college bitrate to produce similar quality to the original M4A recordings, pregnant that files are nigh xx% larger. Also, encoding requires more CPU, which means shorter battery life. In my testing, an iPhone 4S recorded M4A for 27 hours earlier powering off compared to 23.5 hours for MP3.


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